Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese
Probably the most famous pub in the world.

Key words
- Tucked away: hidden or difficult to find:
Van’s house is tucked away at the end of the road.
- Notable figure: an important person and deserving attention, because of being very good at what they do
He is a famous singer and a notable figure in the rock scene.
- Immortalize: to cause someone to be remembered for a very long time:
He was immortalized by the best selling book.
- Plaque: a flat object, often of stone or metal, with text that records information about a person, place, or event
The plaque on the building tells you who used to live there.
- Cherished: deeply loved or valued
Her most cherished possession is a 1926 letter from F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Read the article to find the answers
- When does Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese date back to?
- Who immortalized the pub in one of his books?
- What did the brewery issued a ban on in October 2017?
- What is the cheapest pint you can buy in a pub in London?
The most famous pub in the world
Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese is one of London's most famous buildings. The historic pub is tucked away in an alley off Fleet Street. The original building dates back to 1538, but it was rebuilt after the Great Fire of 1666. It is best known for its literary connections, having attracted such notable figures as Charles Dickens, and Mark Twain.
Charles Dickens immortalized the pub in his book, A Tale of Two Cities. Other authors, including R. L. Stevenson, Anthony Trollope and Agatha Christie, have also referred to the pub in their works. The Rhymers' Club, a gathering of poets founded by W. B. Yeats, met at the pub, and Soviet writer Boris Pilnyak featured the Cheshire Cheese in his story "Staryi syr" (Old Cheese).
Beyond literature, the famous pub hosted the founding meeting of the Medical Journalist's Association in 1967, a pivotal moment in health journalism.
During the winter, visitors can warm themselves in front of open fires, and view plaques that commemorate its famous regulars such as Alfred Tennyson, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and Samuel Johnson, who wrote the first modern English dictionary.
Its signature dish is the uniquely British steak and kidney pudding.
Samuel Smith Breweries
With its literary, cultural, and historical connections, Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese remains a cherished icon run by Samuel Smith Breweries, which has been brewing beer in Yorkshire's oldest brewery since 1758. The brewery is known as a highly traditional and somewhat eccentric operator.
In October 2017, the brewery issued a ban on the use of profanity in its pubs. The "zero tolerance" policy calls for employees to cut off service to customers who use offensive language. The policy is part of the traditional Victorian aesthetic the brewery tries to maintain in its pubs, which includes no mobile devices, music or TVs.
Their Extra Stout is brewed using only dark malts to create a refreshing, smooth, clean tasting, creamy stout with a delicate malt aroma. It is also the cheapest pint you can buy in a pub in London.
Discussion questions
- Do you have any questions about any of the vocabulary or grammar in this article?
- Are there any historic buildings tucked away in your capital city?
- Have you ever been in a pub with an open fire?
- Are there any famous places in your country where notable literary figures used to gather?

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