The Gospel of Mark

The Good News about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God, begins with what the prophet Isaiah said would happen.

The Gospel of Mark
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Key words

  • Crucify: to kill someone by tying or fastening them with nails to a cross and leaving them there to die

Jesus was crucified outside of Jerusalem in Calvary.

Christians believe that Jesus was resurrected after 3 days.

  • Ministry: the job of being a religious leader

Jesus's ministry lasted for about 3 years.

  • Testimony: a spoken or written statement that something is true

The court heard two days of testimony from environmental experts, activists, and lawyers.

The authenticity of her story was verified by CCTV footage.

Read the article to find the answers

  1. What is another name for the Gospels?
  2. Which Gospel is the shortest?
  3. When were the Gospels written?
  4. Why do Christians believe the Gospels are authentic?


The Gospels are also called the Good News. They are the first four books of the New Testament and tell the story of the life of Jesus. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John wrote their own slightly different versions of the Gospel, but they all record His teachings and describe the miracles He performed. They all tell us how He was betrayed, crucified, and resurrected.

The Gospel of Matthew was written mainly for Jews and focuses on Jesus being the Jewish Messiah. The Gospel of Mark was written mainly for non-Jews and focuses on what Jesus did for all mankind. The Gospel of Luke has more historical details than the others, and the Gospel of John has a more spiritual focus.

A Written Record of Jesus's Life

The period between 33 A.D. and 60 A.D. is known as the 'oral period'. During this time Jesus's apostles and disciples passed on the Good News orally and only some of Jesus's teachings were written down. The first Christian communities didn't feel the need to make a more permanent record of His life and teachings because Jesus told them that all prophecy would be fulfilled during their lifetime.

As the number of eyewitnesses to Jesus's life began to decline, their testimonies needed to be recorded for future generations. This is why the period between 60 A.D. and 70 A.D. is known as the 'written period'. Christians believe that the men who wrote the Gospels were inspired by the Holy Ghost and did not decide when and what to write by themselves.

The Gospel of Mark

The Gospel of Mark was written between 60 AD and 70 AD by a close friend of the Apostle Peter and is the shortest of the four Gospels. It begins with Isaiah's prophecy of Jesus's life and death and then describes how Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River which marked the beginning of His ministry.


Although Roman and Jewish historians of Jesus's time recorded many of the same events as the Gospels, Christians believe that the Gospels are the infallible word of God and are therefore the primary source of information about the life and teachings of Jesus. They were written in Greek and circulated among the early Christian communities who verified their authenticity.

Recent archaeological evidence, such as the discovery in 1990 of the tomb of Caiaphas, the high priest who played a role in crucifying Jesus, also provides physical evidence that the Gospels are authentic.

The Heart of the Gospel

The Gospels are the heart of Christianity. They show Jesus fulfilling Old Testament prophecy and teaching people to be charitable and forgiving. The heart of the Gospel message is that if you believe in Jesus and love God by treating others as you would like them to treat you, you will be resurrected after death in a glorious new body and live forever in the Kingdom of God.

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Discussion questions

  • Do you have any questions about any of the vocabulary or grammar in this article?
  • Do you know the Bible passage quoted at the top of this article?
  • Have you read Mark's Gospel?
  • Have you seen any movies based on the Gospels?

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