Plum Pudding

The Plum Pudding Riots led to the second round of the Civil War.

Plum Pudding
Jamie Oliver
Learn the keywords, read the article, answer the questions, and then book a lesson with a language tutor.

Key words

  • Douse: to throw water or another liquid on someone or something

To get rid of weeds, I douse them with plain white vinegar.

  • Frown on: to disapprove of something or someone

You can wear jeans, but I think the restaurant frowns on shorts and sneakers.

  • Idolatry: the act of praying to a picture or object as part of a religion

He was accused of idolatry for praying at the tomb.

  • Coincide: to happen at or near the same time

I timed my vacation to coincide with the children's.

  • Brawl: a physical fight involving a group of people, especially in a public place

They had a brawl in the street after the pub closed.

Read the article to find the answers

  1. How is Plum Pudding served?
  2. Why were Minced Pies only served at important celebrations such as Christmas?
  3. How often did the Puritans fast?
  4. What caused the Plum Pudding Riots?

Plum Pudding

Plum pudding is a sweet pudding traditionally served as part of the Christmas meal in Britain. It originated in medieval England, with early recipes using dried fruit, suet, breadcrumbs, flour, eggs and spices, along with fortified wine. The word 'plum' was then used for what we now call a 'raisin', so the pudding does not actually contain plums. When it was ready to be served, it was decorated with holly, doused in brandy and set on fire.