Mob Football
In medieval England, mob football was played during religious festivals.

Key words
- Shrove Tuesday: the day before the Christian period of Lent begins
Shrove Tuesday varies from year to year. It falls between 3 February and 9 March.
- Indulgent: allowing someone to have or do what they want, especially when this is not good for them
More and more consumers are demanding indulgent foods in larger and larger portions.
- Defy: to refuse to obey a person, decision, law, situation, etc.
They defied an evacuation order and stayed in the city during the hurricane.
- Crack down on: to start dealing with bad or illegal behaviour in a more severe way
The Prime Minister promises to crack down on street crime.
- Hark back to: If something harks back to something in the past, it is similar to it
The director's latest film harks back to the early years of cinema.
Read the article to find the answers
- When was mob football played in medieval England?
- Why did the Puritan Parliament try to abolish traditional Christmas celebrations?
- What happened in the 19th century?
- Where is mob football still played today?
Mob Football
Known for its chaotic nature, mob football was played in medieval England, typically during religious festivals or holidays, especially Shrove Tuesday. Entire towns or parishes would compete in games that lasted all day. There were very few rules, no pitch and the game was violent, often resulting in injuries and property damage.
The Plum Pudding Riots
In 1647, the Puritan Parliament attempted to abolish traditional Christmas celebrations as part of their wider campaign to suppress religious holidays, which they saw as overly indulgent and associated with Roman Catholicism. As a result, shopkeepers were forced to keep their shops open on Christmas Day and festivities such as the preparation of plum pudding, mince pies and other festive foods were discouraged or banned.
This led to widespread unrest, particularly in Canterbury, where people defied the order to keep shops open and celebrated Christmas in the traditional way. The football match was followed by a riot. The so-called Plum Pudding Riots led to the second round of the English Civil War.
Decline and Regulation
In the 19th century, as industrialisation and urbanisation increased, there was growing concern about the violence and disorder associated with mob football. Local authorities began to crack down on the games. In many places, mob football was banned outright.
However, this period also saw the development of more organised, regulated versions of the game. Public schools, such as Rugby School and Eton College, began to formalise rules for football, leading to the creation of modern association football (soccer) and Rugby football which was based on the Christian values of the school's headmaster.
Mob Football Today
Although mob football in its original form has largely disappeared, some communities in England continue to play annual games that hark back to the medieval tradition. Ashbourne Royal Shrovetide Football, played in Derbyshire on Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday, is perhaps the most famous modern version of mob football. The game involves hundreds of players from two teams, the Up'ards and Down'ards, and lasts for two days. The Atherstone Ball Game is also played on Shrove Tuesday in Warwickshire and involves hundreds of people trying to move a large ball through the streets of the town.
What is Shrovetide Football?
Discussion questions
- Do you have any questions about any of the vocabulary or grammar in this article?
- What's the history of football in your country?
- What do you know about Canterbury?
- What do you know about Shrove Tuesday?
- Would you like to play mob football?

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