Mark's Gospel: Chapter 6

King Herod heard about Jesus and said that John the Baptist was back from the dead.

Mark's Gospel: Chapter 6
LUMO Project
Learn the keywords, read the article, answer the questions, and then book a lesson with a language tutor.

Key words

  • Carpenter: a person whose job is making and repairing wooden objects and structures

A carpenter rebuilt the house.

  • Tolerable: of a quality that is acceptable, although certainly not good

Prisons are barely tolerable.

Fire rained from heaven and destroyed them all the day that Lot left Sodom.

  • Deserted: If a place is deserted, there are no people in it

Holiday resorts are deserted in the winter.

  • Bless: to ask for God's help and protection for someone or something, or to call or make someone or something holy

He blessed the food before passing it around.

Read the article to find the answers

  1. What power did Jesus give to His apostles?
  2. What did the apostles preach?
  3. Why was Jesus moved with compassion?
  4. Why were the apostles disappointed with themselves?

Jesus returns to His own country

Jesus began to teach in the synagogue on the Sabbath and the people were offended because they thought He was just an ordinary man. They knew His family and that He was a carpenter. He couldn't do many miracles there. He was amazed at their lack of faith and went to the villages to teach.