Mark's Gospel: Chapter 15

After crucifying Him, they divided His clothing among themselves.

Mark's Gospel: Chapter 15
LUMO project
Learn the keywords, read the article, answer the questions, and then book a lesson with a language tutor.

Key words

It is customary to shake hands when meeting someone for the first time in the UK.

  • Persuade: to cause people to do or believe something, esp. by explaining why they should

He is trying to persuade local and foreign businesses to invest in the project.

  • Veil: a covering that stops you from seeing something

The women wore black veils to cover their faces.

  • Linen: strong cloth made from the fibers of the flax plant

He was wearing a linen jacket

  • Tomb: a large stone structure or underground room where someone, especially an important person, is buried

When they opened up the tomb they found treasure.

Read the article to find the answers

  1. Who did the chief priests take Jesus to?
  2. What was it customary for the Romans to do during the Feast of Unleavened Bread?
  3. Who did the crowd demand the release of?
  4. What happened when Jesus died?

Jesus is questioned by Pilate

The chief priests took Jesus to Pilate who was the Roman governor of Jerusalem. He asked Jesus if He was the King of the Jews and if He was going to respond to all the accusations the chief priests were making against Him. But Jesus said nothing.

During the Feast of Unleavened Bread, it was customary for the Romans to release a prisoner. Knowing that the chief priests were falsely accusing Jesus, Pilate asked the crowd if they wanted him to release the King of the Jews.

But the chief priests persuaded the crowd to demand the release of Barabbas, a rebel and a murderer. Pilate asked them what he should do with Jesus. They shouted:

"Crucify him!"