Lord of the Flies

Maybe there is a beast ... maybe it's only us.

Lord of the Flies
Learn the keywords, read the article, answer the questions, and then book a lesson with a language tutor.

Key words

  • Allegory: a story or other work in which the characters and events represent particular moral, religious, or political qualities or ideas

The fable of the tortoise and the hare is a classic allegory about the dangers of overconfidence.

  • Deserted: if a place is deserted, there are no people in it

The coastal resorts are deserted in the winter.

  • Mutual: used to describe something that is done or felt by all people in a group

Firms often do business together for purposes of mutual benefit.

He came across some of his old love letters in his wife's desk.

  • Naval: belonging to a country's navy, or relating to military ships

A major naval battle was fought near here.

Read the article to find the answers

  1. Why were the boys on the island alone?
  2. Who said they would find and kill the monster?
  3. Who does the pig say the monster is?
  4. Why did a ship visit the island?

Lord of the Flies

William Golding's most famous novel is an allegory of human nature. It tells the story of a group of boys who find themselves alone on a deserted island after being evacuated during a war and surviving a plane crash. What appears to be an adventure soon takes a terrifying turn as the children descend into violence and chaos.