James Lind's use of citrus fruit was the first clinical trial in medicine.

Key words
- Fatigue: extreme tiredness
She was suffering from fatigue.
- Incidence: the rate at which something happens
There’s been an increased incidence of cancer in the area.
- Wane: to become weaker in strength or influence
By the late 70s the band's popularity was beginning to wane.
- Freedom of conscience: Freedom of conscience encompasses all the ethics and values that a person holds dear, whether religious or not.
Democracy requires freedom of conscience and freedom from coercion.
- Posthumously: connected with human activity at sea
Visit the maritime museum if you're interested in anything to do with ships.
Read to find the answers
- What is scurvy?
- Whose experiments proved that vitamin C prevented scurvy?
- Why do Americans call the British "limeys"?
- When did the United States go to war with Britain?
For sailors on long voyages in the 18th century, disease was often more dangerous than war. A British naval expedition to raid Spanish territory in the Pacific in the 1740's lost 1,300 of its original 2,000 men to scurvy.
Scurvy is a condition caused by a lack of vitamin C, which leads to tissue breakdown due to a lack of collagen. A diet without vitamin C can lead to symptoms within four weeks, with people suffering from fatigue, bleeding, slow-healing wounds and potentially fatal heart problems.
James Lind and Limes
James Lind, a Scottish naval surgeon, conducted experiments that demonstrated the effectiveness of citrus fruits in treating scurvy. His work paved the way for the eventual adoption of lemon juice as a preventative measure against scurvy in the Royal Navy.
Lemon juice was made compulsory for every sailor in the Royal Navy, significantly reducing the incidence of scurvy. Later, due to availability and cost, the British Navy began supplying sailors with limes instead of lemon juice. This led to British sailors being nicknamed "Limeys" by the Americans.
Britain and America
The relationship between Britain and America has a long and complex history, dating back to the Puritans who sought religious freedom in America. The Puritans were English Protestants in the 16th and 17th centuries who wanted to eliminate the Roman Catholic beliefs and practices that remained in the Church of England after the Reformation. Puritanism waned over time, but its legacy lives on in America, especially in the idea of freedom of conscience.
British companies also sent settlers to America, leading to the creation of thirteen British colonies along the east coast. Disputes arose between the colonies and Britain over a variety of issues, leading to the American Revolution, in which the Americans defeated the British and gained independence. The two fought again in 1812 when the United States declared war on Britain over maritime rights and the British seizure of ships and their cargoes.
Despite these historical differences, a close alliance based on a common language and shared ideals overcame religious and economic conflicts to make the UK-US relationship one of the most important alliances in the world today.
Discussion questions
- Do you have any questions about any of the vocabulary or grammar in this article?
- Do you take vitamin C regularly?
- What is your navy famous for?
- What is your country's history with the USA?

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