Japanese Curry

In Japan, curry is just as much a national dish as sushi or ramen.

Japanese Curry
Japanese Beef Curry
Learn the keywords, read the article, answer the questions, and then book a lesson with a language tutor.

Key words

  • Unscrupulous: behaving in a way that is dishonest or unfair in order to get what you want

Counterfeit documents make it easier for unscrupulous employers to knowingly hire illegal workers.

  • Ironically: in a way that is interesting, strange, or funny because of being very different from what you would expect

Ironically, the very tools that were supposed to liberate us have made us work longer hours than ever before.

  • Infrastructure: the basic systems and services, such as transportation and power supplies, that a country or organization uses in order to work effectively

The war has badly damaged the country's infrastructure.

  • Crucial: extremely important or necessary

Her work has been crucial to the project's success.

  • Instrumental: if someone or something is instrumental in a process, plan, or system, that person or thing is one of the most important influences in causing it to happen

She was instrumental in bringing about the prison reform act.

Read the article to find the answers

  1. When was curry introduced to Japan?
  2. When did it become a national dish?
  3. Who designed Japan's first railway?
  4. What did Richard Henry Brunton do?

Curry introduced to Japan

The word curry was introduced into the Japanese language in the late 1860's. At the time, the Indian subcontinent was under British colonial rule, and the British Navy started using Indian spices in their meals, which eventually led to the creation of British-style curry.

Curry originated in India, but was popularised worldwide by the British, who created an all-in-one spice blend known as curry powder. In Japan, expensive curry powder imported from Britain was a luxury only the rich could afford.