Bury St. Edmunds

Bury St Edmunds takes its name from King Edmund, the original Patron Saint of England.

Bury St. Edmunds
Green King
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Key words

  • Patron saint: a Christian saint who is believed to give special help to a particular place, activity, person, or type of object

St John Bosco is the patron saint of Turin.

  • Abbey: a building where monks or nuns live or used to live. Some abbeys are now used as churches

Westminster Abbey is the most famous abbey in England.

  • Pilgrimage: a trip, often a long one, made to a holy place for religious reasons

The Camino de Santiago is the most famous pilgrimage in Europe.

  • Denounce: to criticize something or someone strongly and publicly

His former colleagues have denounced him as a spy.

  • Ale: a type of beer, esp. one that is darker and more bitter than other beers

Abbot Ale is a full-flavoured, smooth beer with a fruity character.

Read the article to find the answers

  1. Who was the original patron saint of England?
  2. Why was St Edmund killed?
  3. When does beer brewing in Bury St Edmunds date back to?
  4. Who is the most famous member of the Greene family?

St. Edmund

Bury St Edmunds takes its name from King Edmund, the original patron saint of England and King of East Anglia, whose shrine at St Edmund's Abbey was once one of the most famous and wealthy pilgrimage sites in England.