Food & Beverages Fish & Chips The nine-year-old King of England made it a law to eat fish on Fridays.
Food & Beverages Chicken Tikka Masala Locals campaigned for Glasgow to be named the official home of Chicken Tikka Masala.
Food & Beverages Hot Cross Buns "They’ll not grow mouldy like the common bread." Words from a rhyme in 1733.
History Easter - Pascha The earliest recorded use of the word "Easter" in English dates from the 8th century.
Language A Brief History of the English Language The Lord caused people to spread over the earth from Babel. (Genesis 11:9)
Language From the Runic to the Latin Alphabet ᚻᛖᚱᚠᛖᚷᛏᚪᚦᛏᛁᛏᚢᛋᛖᚾᛞᚷᛁᚢᚦᛖᚪᛋᚢ - Here fight Titus and the Jews.
Language Occult Anglo-Saxon Runes? Guido von List claimed to have received a magical Aryan alphabet in a vision.
History The English Civil War Royalists argued that any attempt to limit the King was to go against God's will.